Lightbulb Jokes

By: admin | Date: February 7, 2015 | Categories: humor


How Many _____Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

Charismatics – Only one: Hands already in the air.

Catholics – None. They use candles.

Baptists – CHANGE??!!??!!

Pentecostals – Ten. One to change, nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.

Presbyterians – None. God has predestined when the lights will be on and off.

How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb? Five. One to actually change the bulb, and four to talk about how good the old one was!

Episcopalians – Ten. One to change the bulb, and nine to say how much they liked the old one.

United Methodists – We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey, you have found that a light bulb works for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship with your light bulb, and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence through Jesus Christ.