Watch Me

By: admin | Date: January 16, 2015 | Categories: encouragement

As an under-graduate, theologian/author D.A. Carson co-led an evangelistic Bible study. He confessed that whenever he felt out of his depths, he would take skeptics and doubters to a bold witness on campus named Dave. On one such occasion, a young man who was brought to Dave said, “I came from a family that doesn’t believe in a literal resurrection and all that stuff. That’s a bit much for us. But we’re a fine family—a good, church-going family. We love each other, care for each other, and we do good in the community. We’re a stable family. So what have you got that we don’t have?”

Dave looked at the young man and said, “Watch me. Move in with me. I have an extra bed. Just follow me around. You see how I behave, what’s important to me, what I do with my time, the way I talk. You watch me, and at the end of three months you tell me there’s no difference.”

The young man didn’t take Dave up on that offer, but he did keep coming back to watch how Dave lived his Christian life. Eventually the young man came to Christ and went on to become a medical missionary. Carson concluded what he learned from Dave’s challenge:

A Christian is saying in effect: “I’m one poor beggar telling another poor beggar where there’s bread. I drank deeply from the wellsprings of grace. God knows I need more of it. If you watch me you’ll see some glimmerings of the Savior, and ultimately you’ll want to fasten on him. Watch me.”