DW's Illustrations

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Tag Archives: jokes

There was a Rabbi, a Hindu Cleric and a TV Evangelist

By: admin | Date: February 28, 2012 | Categories: humor

I know, it sounds like a joke. And it is. Three Clergymen were driving together, on their way to a conference – a Jewish Rabbi, a Hindu Cleric and a TV Evangelist. Their car broke down, so they walked to the nearest house. The farmer there offered that they could stay in the guest house, […]

Well, That Would Be Me

By: admin | Date: February 6, 2012 | Categories: humor, stories

There was a farm in New England and the word was out they were not treating their workers fairly. So, the state wage department official was sent to check it out. They asked the farmer what he was paying people. The farmer said, well I have a farmhand and he gets paid $200 a week […]