Stolen Car?

By: admin | Date: June 13, 2015 | Categories: humor

A woman was driving and talking on the cellphone and came up to an intersection where traffic had suddenly stopped.

Suddenly she awoke from her phone conversation and saw the traffic situation. She hit the brakes, ceiling and horn at the same moment. She proceeded to scream and yell and hit her fist on the dashboard, gesturing wildly to the other drivers. She was in the middle of her rant when she heard a knocking on her window. It was a police officer, looking very serious.

He had her get out of the car and place her hands on the roof of the car. They arrested her and took her downtown and had her photographed, fingerprinted, searched and they put her in a cell. After a few hours, a policeman brought her back to the booking desk. There was the arresting officer who began apologizing:

Oh maam, I am sorry for the mistake. But I came up and I saw you cursing and I noticed the fish sticker on your car and a WWJD sticker – What Would Jesus Do? And I naturally assumed you had stolen the car.

The old song: “They will know we are Christians by our love.”