Parenting – tots to teens

By: admin | Date: May 28, 2013 | Categories: encouragement

Making that transition can be a real challenge. Raising our kids by
doing everything for them is easy. And we enjoy knowing that for the
most part, they think we can do no wrong. But as kids get older, things
change, don’t they? They go off to sixth or seventh grade and find that
they aren’t as cool as they thought they were. And as they move from
concrete thinking to abstract thinking, they begin to view their parents
differently as well. They begin to realize that Mom and Dad aren’t as
cool as they thought they were.

When that happens, things can get confusing as you parent your
teen. For example, I am always amazed at how teens can turn an issue
about them to an issue about you, pointing out the shortcomings in
your life as a parent.

John Wayne once said, “Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway.”