Let’s Jump

By: admin | Date: May 5, 2012 | Categories: humor, stories

There were four people in an airplane when the announcement came that the plane’s engines had failed and the plane was going down. Everyone was told they would need to bail out of the plane, but there were only three parachutes. There was a doctor, a scientist, a boy scout and a minister. The doctor said, “I need one of those parachutes. I have more than a hundred patients who are depending on me. They need me.” So, he put on a parachute and jumped. The scientist said, “I need one of those parachutes. I am the smartest person in the world and I’m on the verge of curing cancer. The world needs me.” So he strapped up and jumped. The minister turned to the boy scout and said, “I’ve had a long life; you’re young. You take the last parachute and live your life to the full.” The boy scout said, “that’s not necessary. We still have two parachutes. The world’s smartest man just jumped out of the plane with my backpack.”

-Joel Osteen