Easter Dream

By: admin | Date: March 26, 2016 | Categories: quotes

In Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, Frodo Baggins had a dream. It was a dream most Hobbits shared–to live a peaceful and pleasant life with no threat of evil in the Shire. In order for his dream to come true, however, Frodo was faced with a challenge–a new dream, if you will, and not one he welcomed. He would be the one to deliver all of Middle Earth from the tyrannical rule of the Dark Lord, Sauron, who lived in the Dark Tower in the land of Mordor. It seemed an impossible dream. How could one small Hobbit, however well-intentioned, succeed against such a formidable enemy? Through numerous difficulties and life threatening circumstances, his dream to destroy the evil that endangered Middle Earth empowered him to persevere.

Let’s put it this way: If the tomb had not been empty, we would have no confidence in our message. “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:14). There would be no beautiful dream of telling others about the life changing gospel, for there would be no gospel.

While discussing Christianity with some other skeptics, the French philosopher Voltaire observed, “Gentlemen, it would be easy to start a new religion to compete with Christianity. All the founder would have to do is die and then be raised from the dead.”

Voltaire recognized the Resurrection as the central message of Christianity. Without it, all of Jesus’ teachings and even his death would be of no benefit, because there would be no power to believe and obey. The word useless means something that is vain, empty, or hollow. No resurrection, no power.

(Dr. John White, 50 Day Adventure: Daring to Dream Again manual).