Made to Soar; Raised to Cluck and Peck

By: admin | Date: November 7, 2015 | Categories: stories

A young Native American found a Lone Eagle Egg that had been abandoned. To be helpful, the Native American placed it in a nest of a prairie chicken. The little Eagle grew up with the Prairie Chicks – clucking and pecking around on the ground.

One day, as he was looking for food, something caught the eagle’s eye. He glanced upward, and soaring in the clouds was the most splendid bird he had ever seen. The Eagle raced over to the head prairie chicken and asked, “what is that that stunning, noble bird?” The senior Prairie chick looked up and replied, “oh that is the Eagle, chief of birds. But he is far above you. Keep scratching.”

So, following the advice of others, the Eagle went back to scratching the ground and never realized he was more than just a prairie chicken.