Eternity in Their Hearts

By: admin | Date: April 10, 2016 | Categories: reading

Book: Eternity in Their Hearts, by Don Richardson

Jun 28, 2012 Ryan Rindels rated it really liked it

Eternity in their Hearts is written by missionary Don Richardson who spent time in Papua New Guinea beginning in the early 60’s. His research has shown many cultures throughout the world are prepped for the gospel message due to promises and entrenched prophecies that bear striking resemblance to biblical ones. For instance, the ancient Greeks experienced a destructive plague in the 6th century B.C. and after sacrificing to every god in the pantheon experienced no relief. The men of Athens sent for a priest from Cyprus who told the men the only deity who possessed power to abate the plague was a god unknown to them. The pagan priest told the Athenians there are a few premises that must be true about this “god,” based on the given facts. Namely, he must be good and gracious because what sort of god would help a people who did not know his name. He must be benevolent enough to overlook their error. Needless to say, the men did what the priest asked and sacrificed to this “unknown god” and the plague ceased. The Greeks created a monument to this nameless god.

Now you probably know where this story is going if you’ve read Acts 17. Paul, five centuries later reasons with the men at Mars Hill and makes the connection between a story they knew well and the truth of Yahweh. He IS the unknown “god.” But he is actually God-with a captial G, and “he does not dwell in temples built by men.”